The school is affiliated to Central Board of Seconday Education (CBSE) upto Class XII and follows the according to CBSE curriculum.
Education is the key to create a society, which is dynamic and productive, offering opportunity and
fairness to all.
It is one of the most essential indications of human development, the importance of
which cannot be undermined.
It unlocks the treasure that lies within all of us. In the coming times,
knowledge and skills will be the keys to success.
Good teachers, using most effective methods, with lofty practicable vision can
transform this dream into reality.
We must make sure that they are aware of, and carry out this
responsibility to the best of their ability.
Successful institutions do not just happen.
They are effective because all those who work in them have a
commitment to make them succeed.
Leadership, teamwork and sound management structures all go
together to move such institutions forward
at a time of rapid, frequent and seemingly never-ending